Saturday, August 9, 2008

We have a date!!!

We finally were able to set a date!! We're officially going to get married Sept 17th! We have the Eldredge Manor booked for our reception and I'm going to call the Bountiful temple on Tuesday and get all of that squared away!! Now it'll be easier to plan because now I'll have a date to tell people, but we did get a photographer. It was actually the one I originally wanted, but I wasn't sure if she'd do our engagements and my bridals without being officially booked for our wedding because her pricing is an all-in-one package, but she was great and was willing to work with us and did tell me she'd be available for the 17th if that ended up being the date we get married so now she can do all of our photography! We have our engagement pics scheduled for this Friday (the 15th) and my bridals are scheduled for Wed, Sept 3rd!! Woohoo! I am so excited and today is an excellent day!!


The Moores said...

Congrats!! That is so exciting!! What a fun time!!

Logan said...

Your new blog design is so cute! Congrats on setting a date.

Stephanie said...

Yeah!! I'm glad you guys were finally able to set a date. I can't wait to see how gorgeous you are in your dress.

Christina said...

YAY...YAY...YAY!!!!! A date! I bet you are soooo beyond excited!! Have fun getting your engagement pics done!!

Lisa said...

How exciting... We were married on Sept 22nd, it's a perfect time of the year and a great excuse to celebrate post-summer/pre-holiday season. Good luck with everything!

Kylee said...

Good luck with the wedding! Hope to see some wedding posts soon!