Monday, July 28, 2008

Wedding Update

For those inquiring minds (aka our good friend Christina) I thought I'd take a minute to update everyone on the wedding situation. Obviously since we haven't said anything yet as far as an exact date goes, August is now not an option. There has just been a bunch of things that have come up preventing us from setting a date yet. We're now hoping for middle of September, but realistically it may be moved back further, which sucks, but there's really nothing we can do about it, so we will make the best of it! I have started planning and getting things ready because once we are able to set a date, it'll be a really quick thing. Here's an update of what all has been decided on and done so far:

I have my wedding dress and it has already been altered!! I bought my wedding dress from Kathleen's bridal in Kaysville and it's kind of nostalgic for me because my very first dance I went to in high school I rented a dress from Kathleen herself, but she was doing the dress thing out of the basement of her house and now she has made two old houses in Kaysville into two stores - one for wedding dresses and the other for prom dresses. The dress I got was the very first one I tried on - actually my mom and sister had gone in there a week earlier to look at dresses and had picked that one out as one I would just love, and they were right! The dress was perfect and when I tried it on, my sister started crying, so we know it's a keeper! Anyways, I've now had it altered so it fits perfectly and I'm going to leave a recommendation for anyone who needs a dress altered. I went to a lady in Syracuse name Terri Renner (I think that's her last name) and she was so nice and very knowledgable. She estimated she'd have my dress done in a week and actually had it done in just over one day and did it perfectly!! She's amazing! She also made my sash that I'm wearing with my dress - an aqua color to match my shoes. She did an amazing job and I'd highly recommend her to anyone - if you need alterations, let me know and I can hook you up with her number. All in all I'm loving my dress!!

We've also decided on wedding colors - we're doing shades of blue - mainly aqua, dark blue and light blue and then we'll have a green accent - the green is hard to explain. If any of you have seen the orchid flowers that are green - that's the color, but for those of you who have no idea what I'm talking about - it's like a charteuse (or however you spell it). I also know what I want the decorations to look like depending on when we do get married. My sisters have ordered their dresses in the colors already and mom has ordered hers, so that part is done and Kurtis' family has been updated on the colors as well. I'll probably be ordering my dad, brother and Kurtis' dad's clothing today or tomorrow. The guys will be wearing a shade of blue dress shirt and then tan/sand colored pants. Depending on if we're able to do the wedding in mid-Sept, they will not have to wear ties at the reception and will get to wear sandals. We're still working on what Kurtis will wear. I want our reception to not feel stuffy and formal, but still look nice.

I have also called a photography place I want to go with to see about getting our engagement pictures done soon so we can have those ready to go once we can send out invitations. They weren't in the office on Saturday when I called so hopefully I can get in touch with them soon. I've also found someone to do our cake, so I'm excited about we just need to decide the details on the cake.

I have ideas of where the reception will be held, but that can't be a for sure thing until a date is set, but we are planning on getting married in the Bountiful temple - that will be a for sure thing. We are doing a different kind of invitation for those invited to the temple ceremony and that invitation has been started to be created, which I am super excited about!

All-in-all, things are slowly coming together and we're hoping to get as much as we can planned or completed before having a date so that once we do finally set the date and have to rush, it won't be so stressful!